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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Pine Marten Now in the New Forest (2018)

    🎬Pine martens are extremely rare in Britain. But, this is the second time anyone has filmed a sighting in the New Forest - with one first caught on camera in 2016.

    The mammals are elusive members of the weasel family. Experts say pine martens were widespread throughout the country but their numbers began declining in the south around 200 years ago due to habitat loss and predator control measures.
  • Pony Drift: The British "Wild West" (2018)

    🎬Pony Drift: The British "Wild West" BBC Earth. Horse racing in the forest is an excellent occasion to see some breath taking "pony drifts", where riders gather up and herd the ponies at high speeds. The film features many recognizable faces including father and son, Richard and Robert Stride.


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