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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Druids Ceremony At Stonehenge (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – Stonehenge at sunrise with Druids ceremony. L.S... the sun rising over Stonehenge. M.S. Stonehenge. C.U. Pillars. L.S... Pillars. C.U. Two pillars. L.S... Druid ceremony. L.S... People walking in front of formation of stones. L.S... Ditto. M.S. Sun coming up over boulder. M.S. Two pillar formations. C.U. People walking around Stonehenge. Druid procession in far background. M.S. Sun shining through pillars. L.S... Sun coming up over Stonehenge. L.S... Ditto. M.S. Pillar formation fade out. L.S... Stunted pictures of mock dance around pillars of Stonehenge. S.C.U. Man appearing from behind stone and pulling funny face.
  • Druids Ceremony At Stonehenge (1949)

    🎬British Pathé – Druids Summer solstice ceremony at Stonehenge, Wiltshire. Stonehenge, Salisbury Plane, Wiltshire. Several shots of the sunrise over Stonehenge. LV. Deserted Stonehenge. Various shots of the Summer Solstice ceremony in progress, unopened urn in foreground. CU. Urn being opened. CU. Man. MV. Druids parading in front of Chief Druid. Lighted urn in foreground. MV. Chief Druid bowing. MV. Druids parading during their ceremony at Stonehenge. SV. Druids chanting. LV. Dog walks into ceremony. SV. Dog lying on ground. SV. Druid holding pipe. MV. Towards, druids leaving in procession, leader holding a cup. SV. Dog, scarred by the crowd moving towards, moves away. Procession leaving
  • Druids Hail The Dawn (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – Druids await first rays of midsummer sun to start ritual which acclaims the longest day. Full title reads: "DRUIDS HAIL THE DAWN". Stonehenge, Salisbury, Wiltshire. General view of Stonehenge at dawn - sun rising, Pagans gathered for the ceremony which acclaims the longest day. Long shot of the Pagan ceremony of Hailing the Dawn. Sightseers standing on stones. Chief Druid dropping wand. Side shot, small dog in centre of circle walks over to wand lifter, sniffs and walks away. Close up shot of Chief Druid. Side view, Chief Druid getting ready to perform rite. Flame burning. Drinking ceremony. People looking on. Chief Druid lifts wand. Man bowing on top of stones. Long view of the ceremony amidst stones. Sun rising over Stonehenge. Man lifts head, looks round and disappears behind rock
  • Duke Of Gloucester Opens Bournemouth Pavilion (1929)

    🎬British Pathé – Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, opens Bournemouth's new pavilion. GLOUCESTER, DUKE OF. PRINCE HENRY Item title reads - Duke of Gloucester opens Bournemouth's magnificent £250,000 Pavilion. Dorset. M/S of soldiers standing to attention. M/S of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, walking down the line and inspecting them. M/S profile of him stood with the mayor (?) L/S of the pavilion, the camera pans across people walking in front of it.
  • Ejector Seat Gets Rocket (1961)

    🎬British Pathé – A new design of aircraft ejector seat is tests in the Solent. Full title reads: "Solent. Ejector Seat Gets Rocket". Lee-on-Solent, Hampshire. GV boat putting out to sea. GV various groups of men most of them NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) officials on quay. CU the Swiss air attache Colonel Mosimann. SV Colonel. McIlhaney and his wife he is from the American Strategic Air Command (SAC). LV the aircraft Lighter at sea the rocket carrying the Ejector seat is fired and zooms up out of picture. LV the parachute descending. GV Ditto with the Dummy suspended from the chute. The dummy hits the water. SV the dummy floating in the inflated dinghy. GV dinghy with outboard motor going out of the rescue. GV Ditto as another rescue dinghy comes into sight and they head towards the floating dummy. SV the dinghy containing the dummy being attached by rope to the rescue dinghy. CU the dummy lying in the floating dinghy.
  • English Channel Ships Crash Head On (1960)

    🎬British Pathé – Item showing cargo ship "Santa Alicia" and oil tanker "Gorme" after they collided in Channel. Item title reads - Ships crash head on. Solent. M/S of American cargo ship "Santa Alicia" under tow with large hole in the bow. Various shots showing buckled bow. M/S Norwegian oil tanker "Gorme" (Gorm ?), a large section has been smashed up by the collision. M/S slicks of oil in water. Various shots of the ships. M/S of the "Santa Alicia" docking at Southampton.


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