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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Ride To Stonehenge (1938)

    🎬British Pathé – A group of horse riders pay a visit to Stonehenge. Salisbury, Wiltshire. Item title reads - Stonehenge. Salisbury, Wilttshire. (LNER). Various shots as a group of people ride along on horseback. M/S as they ride past Stonehenge. M/S as people sit and watch. L/S of the riders. M/S of Stonehenge
  • Hampshire Hombres (1963)

    🎬British Pathé – Ordinary mortals get the chance to be cowboys and cowgirls in Hampshire. Story about the Flying G Ranch where friends and holidaymakers can enjoy "life on the range" and pretend to be cowboys. The ranch is owned by the transatlantic airline pilot Captain Leslie Gosling. C/U of a gun being loaded with bullets, cut to show man in cowboy hat and glasses (looks a bit incongruous) who is holding the gun. Horses are saddled up for a ride. Various footage of the holidaymakers riding their steeds around the ranch and out in open fields. They run into the local hunt which again looks strange - worlds colliding. Nice majestic western music accompanies shots of the riders. C/U of hamburgers being barbecued as the ramblers return for an outdoor feast. Good shots of the food being distributed and the riders enjoying their meals. A young cowboy and cowgirl polish their saddles. "We've never seen a sharpshooter in horn rimmed glasses before" quips the narrator as our friend from earlier shoots a few rounds and knocks down a few cans. The cowboys and cowgirls sit around on blankets listening to one of their group playing the guitar. I want to go. Cuts exist - see separate record
  • Lady Baden Powell (1924)

    🎬British Pathé – Girl Guides from every nation meet on a camp in the New Forest. Title: "LADY BADEN POWELL. Visits Girl Guides of all nations in camp in the New Forest". M/S of Lady B-P walking between two lines of Guides of different nationalities. C/U of Lady B-P standing surrounded by Guides - on one arm stands an Indian Guide on the other is a Guide from an Islamic country. C/U of two Caucasian Guides from different countries. C/U of two more Guides, one has a tiny Danish flag tied to her woggle. C/U of the Guide from an Islamic country wearing a veil. C/U of Lady B/P standing next to a Guide from an Far Eastern country. M/S of a Guide using bellows to encourage a camp fire beneath a cooking pot, pan to two Guides sitting on the ground peeling potatoes. M/S of two Guides posting letters in a mail box (their embroidered bonnets suggest they may be Scandinavian!). M/S of a group of Guides sitting around their Guide Leader - they appear to be breaking up a tree branch to make a camp fire
  • Premier Opens Big Refinery (1951)

    🎬British Pathé – Clement Attlee opens the new oil refinery at Fawley. He talks about the situation at Abadan. Full title reads: "Premier Opens Big Refinery". Fawley, Nr. Southampton, Hampshire. Various shots of huge oil refinery with lots of pipes. LV Ship alongside jetty, pipe lines in foreground. SV Pipe lines from jetty to refinery. More shots of refinery. GV large audience waiting for opening. SV Pan, Prime Minister Clement Attlee and officials walking up steps. CU Fuel Minister Philip Noel Baker. GV Audience with Attlee on platform. SV Attlee's speech. CU Attlee speaking about oil supplies from Abadan - Persia / Iran. SV Attlee walking away to unveil plaque. LV Attlee unveils plaque. CU Plaque. VS of refinery and storage tanks
  • Time To Remember - Turn Of The Century 1896 to 1902 (1900-1901)

    🎬British Pathé – Scenes from life at the turn of the century - life in Britain and around the world Pathe have rights to clips in Time to Remember programmes but not to commentary or whole programme as screened. Reel 2. Continued. 01:19:51 Dirt track over hill. C/U sign on outside of toll house on Eling Causeway. C/U puddles on dirt track. Woman using spinning wheel outside cottage. Woman milking cow (it has horns). More dirt tracks. Cobbled street. Model of early steam powered machine. Quick shot of steam whistle (possibly from train). Poster about early railway development from London to Birmingham. Steam fills the screen. 01:20:36 Cavalry troops charge towards camera. Several carry lances with flags flying from them. Field guns firing. Field guns being pulled across field by horses. Infantry men firing rifles. 01:21:02 Indian troops on horseback carrying lances with small pendants flying. They wear turbans and are parading. 01:21:11 High angle shot of crowd in street. Police on horseback charge into crowd with batons. They appear to be breaking up some kind of demonstration. C/U Statue of Abraham Lincoln. Wagon train, as in the Wild West. Covered wagons drawn by horses and oxen. L/S Rocky Mountains in America. They are capped with snow. 01:21:42 Oil gushing from the ground. In the foreground are oil tanks. Oil bubbling up out of ground. Quick shot of American riverboat. C/U wheel of steam train traveling fast. Interior of large cotton mill. Industrial scene with factories and smoking chimneys. 01:22:11 High angle shot of canal barge being pulled by horse walking along tow path. Quick shots of various bridges including the Forth Bridge. Atlantic liner ship coming into dock.
  • How KING HENRY VIII Demolished Beaulieu Abbey (2022) with Julie Montagu

    🎬 Part of the AMERICAN VISCOUNTESS series of programmes that looks at Britain's stately homes.

    Not only is Beaulieu home to the National Motor Museum, but also to the extraordinary ruins of Beaulieu Abbey, which date back to the foundation of the monastery here in the thirteenth century. The more I visit historic houses around Britain, the more I realise how many of them have monastic roots.

    In this episode, Lord Montagu guides me around some of the surviving buildings and shows me the exquisite wall hangings, stitched by his mother, which chart the history of the abbey. I also explore a hidden part of the Beaulieu estate where the well used by the monks still survives today. And I end my visit at the newly restored ice house – a glimpse back to the days when historic houses functioned more like life in the tv series, Downton Abbey.


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