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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • CEA Conference Assembles (1958)

    🎬British Pathé – Cinema Exhibitors Association Conference in Bournemouth. Full title reads: "Bournemouth. CEA Conference". Bournemouth, Dorset. Cinema Exhibitors Association Conference. Pan across crowded beach and seaside. End of shot of Bournemouth pier. Shot of CEA Delegates waving from pier. CU Ice cream man serving from van. Ken Allen and Harry Attlee are named among the ice cream eating delegates. Delegates walk along sea front eating ices. MS of Bill Carr (Northern Branch Chairman) with men and women of his Branch standing outside hotel. GV of seafront. MV of young women in swimsuits walking into water. MV of three chaps looking through telescope. MV of women coming out of water. Shots of women sitting on beach. GV of golf course. MV of golfers including Walter Eckhard and MacGregor-Scott playing golf. MV of them missing putts. Mr and Miss Bill Fielder and Mr and Mrs Bert Elton enjoy ice cream sundaes at La Gala cafe in the Conference venue. Mr and Mrs Bill Carr being served by waitress. CU Bill Carr feeds his wife ice cream on a spoon. Pan along row of hotels to end at Royal Bath Hotel. Various shots of delegates enjoying drinks reception. Lots of delegates are named as they enjoy their drinks. Special issue for CEA. Cataloguer's Note: All names taken from voiceover so spellings are guesses - MD
  • CEA Members Get Together (1951)

    🎬British Pathé – Danny Kaye and other film stars in Bournemouth where CEA conference is taking place. Item title reads - Pathe News Special. CEA Members get together. Bournemouth, Dorset. M/S Bournemouth. L/S Westover Cinema with poster advertising film 'Happy Go Lovely'. M/S Westover Cinema. L/S conference headquarters at the Royal Bath Hotel. M/S flag on Hotel. M/S Town Hall. L/S exterior Town Hall. Various shots of delegates arriving for the Cinematograph Exhibitors Association conference. Exterior L/S Town Hall. M/S conference in session. C/U Mr Bill Speakman. M/S of the group. C/U Mr Fuller. C/U Mr Hinge. L/S conference. M/S Chairman Harry Mears speaking. C/U Mr Lewis looking on. C/U Mears speaking. L/S Parkstone golf course. M/S as Mrs Mears presents golf clubs to American film star Danny Kaye. M/S people looking on. M/S as Kaye jokes about the rubber golf clubs and clowns around. M/S married American film stars Lex Barker and Arlene Dahl at Meyrick Park Bowling Green. C/U Lex. M/S Arlene bowling. M/S Lex bowling, people stand behind and watch. Lex cheers and Arlene points and laughs. Various shots proper bowls match in progress. L/S notice over golf course. Various shots conference delegate driving off on course whilst people watch. C/U film star Ben Lyon with Danny Kaye. M/S as they joke around and conduct an interview
  • Camera Interviews - The Steeplejack (1933)

    🎬British Pathé – Probably unusable item about Salisbury Cathedral steeplejacks - very bad decomposition. "Not everybody would choose to tackle this kind of high life business" L/S of a large cathedral - framed inside an oval mask (bad decomposition on this shot). Camera tilts up to show spire of cathedral. "This is the 400 foot spire of the Salisbury Cathedral - highest in England - and hardly the nicest of spots to perch even a temporary nest - " Low angle shot of the spire - steeplejack just visible. "But, what a view of Salisbury! (and what a slender nervy platform to film from!)" Short shot - badly decomposed. Was an item in Eve's Film Review issue number 609. Note: very, very badly decomposed - probably unusable
  • Carne Of The Glosters Home (1953)

    🎬British Pathé – Colonel Carne talks of his experiences behind bars in a North Korean PoW camp. CU Colonel Carne (for title) LV Empire Orwell. SV Glisters on board tug. CU shoulder flash "Glisters". CU Gloucester. SV Colonel Carne. SCU Colonel Carne. CU Colonel Carne. SCU. Carne speaking (natural sound): "A number of statements have been published in the press about the treatment of Prisoners of War (PoW)... ...Chinese methods of punishment are primitive... I am sharing my experience... but happy to be home..." I have gained and added pride in being British, and I have lost a little weight!" SV from tug, Glisters waving to people ashore. SCU PoW waving. SV tug "Calshot" pulling alongside. CU man points to relative, and preens himself. SV Carne walking through crowd supported by M.Ps. CU soldier being greeted by womenfolk. CU another soldier being greeted. CU Sergeant Major Ridlington with children. CU Captain Bill Morris and fiancee Rosemary Board. STV crowds P.O.W.s and relatives. CU Col. Carne
  • Cabinet Goes To The Seaside (1946)

    🎬British Pathé – Cabinet Ministers take time off from Labour Party Conference in Bournemouth. C/U of newspaper clipping with headline "Cabinet goes to the seaside". Bournemouth, Dorset. Cabinet Ministers take time off from Labour Party Conference. C/U of "Bournemouth" sign at railway station. Panning shot from Bournemouth pier to pavilion. M/S of Mrs Bevin and Ernest Bevin, Foreign Secretary, leaving hotel. Various shots of other Socialist cabinet ministers. We see Jim Griffiths (Insurance Minister) lighting a cigarette, Herbert Morrison walking with wife and two young women (his daughters?), Tom Williams (Agriculture Minister) walking on promenade, Hugh Dalton and wife admire view from cliff top, Ellen Wilkinson (Education Minister) walking past shops, Emanuel Shinwell chatting with friends, Dr Edith Summerskill, the Food Minister's Parliamentary Secretary, strolling and Professor Harold J Laski signing autographs
  • Children's Sailing Club (1960)

    🎬British Pathé – Children in yachts, people on bank watching, yacht capsizes and boy trying to right it.Documentation on file. Various LSs. and MSs. Moth class yachts under way. MS. Children on bank watching. LS. Pan round the harbour at Lymington showing yachts. Various shots of children in yachts and of the yachts, under way. MS. Children on bank applauding. CU. Children on bank applauding. CU. Girl in bikini waving. MS. LS. People on bank watching. Two LSs. (gag shot) as boy falls out of boat and swims after it. Various shots, children in yachts, girls and boys. LS. CU.s people on bank watching. LS. Yachts under way. Various shots (gag shot) as yacht capsizes and boy trying to right it


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