Book Archive

From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Cowes - Freak Yacht Sets Sail Aka New Yacht Sets Sail (1954)

    🎬British Pathé – A new, three-hulled, four-masted yacht, looking like helicopter, prepares for sail speed record. Cowes. GV Cowes, small yachts bobbing about. SV distinguished yachtsmen looking at Trion, pan along boat. SCU yachtsmen looking at booms. SV yacht with booms moving partly round. LV "Queen Elizabeth" steaming past in Solent. Small sailing craft in foreground. LV men carrying Trion to water's edge. SV & LV craft in water. SV man sitting in centre of Trion, messing about with one of the booms. Front view, yacht with man in position. SV & LV Trion on move, at same time sails are hauled up. SV traditional dinghy ploughing through rough water. GV Trion under way.
  • Cabinet Goes To The Seaside (1946)

    🎬British Pathé – Cabinet Ministers take time off from Labour Party Conference in Bournemouth. C/U of newspaper clipping with headline "Cabinet goes to the seaside". Bournemouth, Dorset. Cabinet Ministers take time off from Labour Party Conference. C/U of "Bournemouth" sign at railway station. Panning shot from Bournemouth pier to pavilion. M/S of Mrs Bevin and Ernest Bevin, Foreign Secretary, leaving hotel. Various shots of other Socialist cabinet ministers. We see Jim Griffiths (Insurance Minister) lighting a cigarette, Herbert Morrison walking with wife and two young women (his daughters?), Tom Williams (Agriculture Minister) walking on promenade, Hugh Dalton and wife admire view from cliff top, Ellen Wilkinson (Education Minister) walking past shops, Emanuel Shinwell chatting with friends, Dr Edith Summerskill, the Food Minister's Parliamentary Secretary, strolling and Professor Harold J Laski signing autographs
  • Out Of Town: New Forest Point To Point (1979) with Jack Hargreaves

    🎬Jack Hargreaves and Stan Bréhaut came over to the New Forest on 26th December 1979 to follow the annual Point To Point race across the Forest. The meeting place for the race was near the High Corner Inn and the finish a few miles away at Stoney Cross. Stan visited the New Forest earlier in the year to film the opening shots.

    This sequence has been restored and upscaled for NFG Media Archive, so can now be viewed in high definition for the first time.

    The surviving Out Of Town episodes can be purchased on DVD and Blu-Ray from:
    https://new.networkonair.com/further-.... The recently discovered 'Lost Episodes' are also now available to buy.

    Our thanks to Gudrun Fowler and Mike Womersley at Northam TV Centre for their help and advice.
  • New Forest: A Year in the Wild Wood (2018) with Peter Owen-Jones

    🎬 Peter Owen-Jones looks at four seasons in the year of the New Forest. Originally screened on BBC Four in January 2019.

    ‘The New Forest is a timeless place - there are no fences and the animals roam free. I’ve always wondered how the forest and the commoning way of life have survived in the middle of southern England for so long. It’s been an incredible experience finding out.’ - Peter Owen-Jones.

    Over the year, with its dramatic seasonal changes, Owen-Jones ventures out into the forest and immerses himself in the lives of the Commoners, a group of around 700 people who have retained grazing rights for their animals, which date back to medieval times. From the first foals born in spring to the release of the stallions and the annual herding of the ponies, he discovers a hardy people who, despite the urban development around them, and the pressures on the landscape of 13 million visitors a year, retain a deep love of the land and a determination to see their way of life survive.

    Presented by Peter Owen-Jones
    Photography Paul Williams
    Additional Photography Max Williams
    Natural History Photography Aaron Cook
    Produced by Mark Woodward
    Executive Producer (Big Wave) Sarah Cunliffe
    Executive Producers (BBC) Mandy Chang & Jo Lapping
    Directed and Edited by Nick Stringer

    A Big Wave production for BBC (2018)
  • Needles Lighthouse (1948)

    🎬British Pathé – A look at the three lighthouse keepers on the Needles lighthouse off the Isle of Wight. Needles lighthouse. Three lighthouse keepers keep watch. Solent, off Isle of Wight. Various shots as the boat with one relief lighthouse keeper and more food arrives at the Needles. L/S of the keeper who is going home, he waves from the top of the lighthouse. M/S as new keeper climbs the steps to the lantern and unscrews the bulb to polish it, another is cleaning the glass outside. M/S as one walks out with a mat and sits down. M/S of another writing a letter home. M/S man stitching mat. The other one rolls up his letter and puts it in a bottle. M/S as he throws it out to sea where it may drift home.
  • Children Of The New Forest - Drama Series (1998) (All Episodes)

    🎬 Children of the New Forest is a 6 x 30 minute full cast drama series (based on the book) made by Child's Play Productions for BBC. It was first broadcast in 1998.

    During the 17th Century English Civil War, four children of a dead Cavalier are rescued and hidden by a forester. Based on the book by Frederick Marryat in 1847.

    The series was filmed in Dorney in Buckinghamshire. Mapledurham Estate in Oxfordshire and The New Forest.

    Tom Wisdom as Edward Beverley
    Joanna Kirkland as Alice Beverley
    Danny Worters as Humphrey Beverley
    Emily Ruck-Keene as Edith Beverley
    Craig Kelly as Reverend Abel Corbould
    Garry Cooper as Oswald Partridge
    Ralph Ineson as William Hammond
    Wolf Christian as Brother Robert
    John Blakey as Brother John
    Kelly Reilly as Patience Heatherstone
    Richard Hope as Heatherstone
    Malcolm Storry as Jabob Armitage

    A Child's Play Productions for BBC (1998)


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