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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • Bournemouth Beach (1944)

    🎬British Pathé – English beach life comes back to normal after the war. Unused / unissued material. - Location and dates unknown / unclear. Possibly Bournemouth - certainly Southern England. Panning shots of anti-tank defences and barbed wire on seafront. In the distance people can be seen down on the beach. More shots of people walking to the beach. VS of workers collecting metal poles. They are being cut up. CU sign from Garrison Commander allowing people to bathe from the beach dated 25th July 1944. People in the background are sitting on deck chairs. VS of children and families playing on the beach. People laugh and joke and play in the sand, others relax in deck chairs. Great shots of children paddling and playing in sand. Pan across beach.
  • Look: The Silent Watcher (1961) Presented by Peter Scott

    🎬All through the year Eric Ashby watches and films the wild deer, foxes, and badgers of the New Forest. Last summer (1961) Peter Scott visited 'Badger Cottage' in the New Forest, to look at Eric Ashby's latest films and to see where they were made.

    Peter Scott's natural history series 'Look' ran from 1955 to 1969 and was the BBC's flagship wildlife programme.

    Presenter Peter Scott
    Guest/filmmaker Eric Ashby
    Additional photography William Morris
    Sound editor Douglas Thomas
    Film editor Paul Khan
    Producer Christopher Parsons
    A BBC Natural History Unit Film

    First shown on BBC at 7.30pm on 1st December 1961
  • BBC South 50 years: Episode 1 BBC South

    🎬BBC South 50 years: Episode1 BBC South. A series of 19 mini-features made by BBC South at Southampton in 2011 to celebrate the station's 50 year history.

    Episode 1 BBC South. Steve Humphrey tells the story of BBC South from the first broadcasts of South at Six. Introductory footage is from the British Pathé Archive.

    NFG are indebted to the BBC staff at Southampton for their help in sourcing items for the archive. See more episodes in the Category - BBC South.
  • Speed Record - 357.7 Miles Per Hour (1929)

    🎬British Pathé – Squadron Leader Orlebar sits in the Rolls-Royce S.6. seaplane in which he broke speed record. Calshot, Hampshire. Item title reads - 357.7 miles per hour! Squadron Leader Orlebar in the Supermarine Rolls-Royce S.6. in which Flying Officer Waghorn won the Schneider Trophy sets up marvellous new record for Britain. Calshot, Hampshire. M/S of Squadron Leader Orlebar sat in the S.6. as it floats on the water, he gets out and climbs down onto a man's shoulders who carries him to shore. M/S of him talking to a group of ladies. M/S as he climbs in the seaplane, which is now on land. M/S as another man fits the roof of the cockpit over him. M/S of him sat in the pilot's seat.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.
  • Three Hundred Miles An Hour (1928)

    🎬British Pathé – Flight Lieutenant Kinkead's RAF 'wonderplane' fails to take off in his bid to beat the world air speed record. Full titles read: "300 Miles an hour? - Bad luck mars first attempt of Flight Lt. Kinkead & R.A.F. wonder 'Plane to beat World record." Calshot, Hampshire. M/S of Flight Lieutenant Kinkead climbing into the cockpit of his plane, the Supermarine Napier S.5.; L/S of the plane being wheeled down a ramp into the sea. L/S of the plane picking up speed for takeoff, then slowing down - something is wrong! L/S of the plane being towed back towards the quay by a boat; Flight Lt Kinkead is seen climbing from the plane and onto the shoulders of a waiting rescue man, standing thigh-deep in the water. The man carries Kinkead on his shoulders to the quayside ramp (oh, the shame!), where he jumps down and walks off - it looks quite comical
  • Beaulieu Issue Title - Saxon To Norman (1937)

    🎬British Pathé – Scenic views of the Hampshire village of Beaulieu and the countryside around it. Story featuring scenes around Beaulieu. Part of the SAXON TO NORMAN issue. Various shots of this pretty Saxon New Forest village. A horse and carriage goes along a street. Various shots of the scenic countryside around the village, including Beaulieu Heath. Shots of the nearby river. Shots of Beaulieu abbey. Shots of the remains of the Cloister gardens


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