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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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  • The Changing Face of the M27 (2015)

    🎬August 1975 marked the 40th anniversary of the opening of the M27 motorway. Paul Clifton looks back at the sometimes dramatic life of the road.

    The first section of the motorway near Southampton opened in August 1975. The original idea was for a south coast motorway stretching from Kent to Cornwall. For financial reasons, this would never happen.

    BBC South Today Production
    19th August 2015
  • First Open Tennis Tournament (1968)

    🎬British Pathé – First lawn tennis tournament open to amateur and professionals - lots of tennis stars attend. No title. First open lawn tennis tournament at Bournemouth, Dorset for amateur and professional players. L/S tennis matches in progress on row of courts. Various shots tennis player Peter Curtis and Fred Stolle playing game. Panning shot tennis player Christine Truman arriving. Panning shot tennis player Bobby Wilson. C/U tennis player Stanley Matthews Jnr. M/S group of young players. C/U tennis player John Paish. M/S tennis player O. K. Davidson looking at programme. C/U ditto. Various shots tennis player Virginia Wade signing autographs for group of schoolgirls. M/S tennis player Angela Mortimer with fashion designer Teddy Tinling. C/U ditto (Tinling is wearing unusual collarless shirt and necklace!) C/U tennis player Angela Mortimer. Various shots match between Mrs. P.M. Roberts (tennis player Margaret Roberts) and Virginia Wade on the centre court
  • Gypsies In The New Forest (1947)

    🎬British Pathé – Gypsies living in New Forest might be forced to move. New Forest, Hampshire. Various shots of the shacks of the gypsy encampment in the New Forest showing tents, people, dogs, chickens and utensils scattered about. MS. Various shots of the Gypsy women and children. CU. A boy preparing a meal in a bucket over a campfire. MS. A man sawing logs. MS. Small boy peeping out of a shack. CU. The small boy peeping out of a shack. CU. The small boy showing his ragged clothing. Several shots of an older boy posing for the camera. CU. A mother and baby. CU. Chickens. MS. Line of washing strung between trees. MS. Three gypsies on horseback trotting along road. CU. A signpost pointing to Lyndhurst. Moves are afoot to turn the nomadic people who live in shacks in the New Forest out
  • Gypsy Artists (1956)

    Artists Sven and Juanita Berlin work on their paintings beside their caravan in the New Forest. New Forest, Hampshire. L/S of a gypsy caravan in a clearing; Sven Berlin is sawing wood outside and a goat snuffles about the ground. M/S and C/U of Sven sawing; his wife Juanita sits by a camp fire peeling potatoes; their small son, Jasper, feeds something to the goat; a black kettle hangs over the fire. Commentator tells us the couple are successful artists who live as gypsies in a horse-drawn caravan. Sven adds some more wood to the fire; Juanita hangs a pot with the potatoes in it over the fire, then walks over to an armchair beside the caravan. She changes her long orange coat for an old black one and puts on a slouch hat, then sits on the chair to take up her position for a portrait Sven is painting. Commentator talks of how the couple came to this lifestyle: "Civilisation, they felt, hemmed them in... pushed them around". Sven adjusts her hat then carries on working on the painting - it's quite bohemian. While posing, Juanita works on her painting of horses. M/S as she picks up her palette and takes her paints and canvas over to a tree; sitting there to paint the horses in more detail. We see some lovely New Forest ponies eating hay as she works. C/U of two of the horses with lovely long hair! Note: On file is a news cutting from the Southern Daily Echo about the Berlins and their way of life
  • Feathered Lightening (1922)

    🎬British Pathé – Hundreds of racing pigeons are released in Bournemouth, Dorset. Racing pigeons released in Bournemouth, Dorset. Full titles read: "FEATHERED 'LIGHTENING' - Hundreds of London's best flying pigeons released." L/S long row of baskets of pigeons in the street being prepared for release. A man pours some water into a tray in on basket. C/U of man holding a pigeon while another uses a ringing device on it's leg. C/U of the pigeon. L/S of the pigeon owner opening the baskets and with a flurry of feathers the pigeons burst out and fly away.
  • Fawley Fire (1969)

    🎬British Pathé – Huge oil refinery fire in North Southampton. Hampshire. Various night shots of what looks like the end of the fire that damaged Fawley Oil Refinery in North Southampton. Various shots of the firemen at work and also climbing into their appliances and driving off. All night footage


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