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From 1900 to the present - Local Films, TV Programmes and Features, Cinema Shorts and Wildlife Documentaries

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    🎬British Movietone - Their Majesties receive a great welcome in the historic city. Guard of Honour outside City Hall. Royal car drives through crowded streets, people waving flags, banners, streamers etc. Children in their thousands, many waving flags. Car arrives at College, King and Queen alight, walk through quadrangle and cloisters. Passed through hundreds of schoolboys. Car driving through crowded streets.
  • Royal Hustler (1927)

    🎬British Pathé – The Prince of Wales makes an eventful visit to Bournemouth. Item title reads: " A Royal Hustler! Prince of Wales at 18 functions in crowded 334 minutes' visit." Bournemouth, Hampshire The Prince of Wales' motor car arrives through a route lined with people, cheering and waving. The Prince inspects guards. He wears a suit. He is then seen laying a wreath at a memorial. The Prince, wearing a bowler hat, ceremoniously cuts a ribbon to open something. He can just be seen being driven in the back of an open car and waving. People wave their hats raised up on sticks, and some wave tiny pennants
  • Hold Your Horses, A Secret Life (1950)

    🎬Gaumont British Instructional Film includes wonderful sequences of a Pony Drift 70 years ago. Plus great shots of city life that still embraced horses.

    New Forest ponies shown living on the open forest. A young horse named 'Tuppence' dreams of what it's like to be grown up. He imagines all types of roles for a grown up horse.

    Working Horses in London merge seamlessly with modern motor cars and lorries, as they pull all types of carriages and carts. Long distance stagecoach work along Britain's arterial road network. Royal duties, conveying kings and queens. Working on the farm, a ploughing team.

    Back on the New Forest. A question and answer section to see how observant the viewer has been.

    A pony roundup or Drift. A sequence that includes an enthusiastic Border Collie running with it's master. The Narrator describes 'How to catch a pony': "Ride up behind it, grab hold of its tail and give several quick circular turns. With its balance upset, it is thrown to the ground. Dismount from your horse and sit on the ponies head. You can now put a halter on the pony".... SIMPLE.

    Some excellent dynamic shots of riders and ponies as they reach and gather in the pound. Commoners using poles and rope loops to select ponies for a health check.

    Stabling and horse riding. The final scene is of a family out and about, riding in one of London's great parks.

    Gaumont British Instructional Ltd. Production
    Released by General Film Distributors
    J, Arthur Rank Presentation
    Released in 1950

    Formed in 1933, Gaumont British Instructional made nearly 400 films for schools and Cinema Clubs to educate and entertain children. Founder, Harry Bruce Woolfe had a passion for 'Visual Education' and with the help of other recruits from the ranks of British Gaumont staff, they worked closely with education establishments to produce a raft of films over the coming years. By 1954, Gaumont British Instructional had been absorbed into the Rank Organization's main body of production.
  • Duke Of Gloucester Opens Bournemouth Pavilion (1929)

    🎬British Pathé – Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, opens Bournemouth's new pavilion. GLOUCESTER, DUKE OF. PRINCE HENRY Item title reads - Duke of Gloucester opens Bournemouth's magnificent £250,000 Pavilion. Dorset. M/S of soldiers standing to attention. M/S of Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester, walking down the line and inspecting them. M/S profile of him stood with the mayor (?) L/S of the pavilion, the camera pans across people walking in front of it.
  • Lady Baden Powell (1924)

    🎬British Pathé – Girl Guides from every nation meet on a camp in the New Forest. Title: "LADY BADEN POWELL. Visits Girl Guides of all nations in camp in the New Forest". M/S of Lady B-P walking between two lines of Guides of different nationalities. C/U of Lady B-P standing surrounded by Guides - on one arm stands an Indian Guide on the other is a Guide from an Islamic country. C/U of two Caucasian Guides from different countries. C/U of two more Guides, one has a tiny Danish flag tied to her woggle. C/U of the Guide from an Islamic country wearing a veil. C/U of Lady B/P standing next to a Guide from an Far Eastern country. M/S of a Guide using bellows to encourage a camp fire beneath a cooking pot, pan to two Guides sitting on the ground peeling potatoes. M/S of two Guides posting letters in a mail box (their embroidered bonnets suggest they may be Scandinavian!). M/S of a group of Guides sitting around their Guide Leader - they appear to be breaking up a tree branch to make a camp fire
  • Royal Family at Mountbatten's Wedding (1946)

    🎬British Movietone - SHORT VERSION - Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret were bridesmaids at the wedding of Patricia Mountbatten to Lord Brabourne. The streets of Romsey were crowded with onlookers trying to catch a glimpse of the various members of the Royal Family who attended the wedding of Earl Mountbatten's eldest daughter.

    British Movietone News ran in the United Kingdom from 1929 to 1986.


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